November 6, 2013

Omega Woman Forced to Unmask!

"Alright Omega Woman, here's the deal! Either you remove your mask and let us see who you really are or your pretty little partner will meet a very bad end!"

"You fiends! I- I have no choice."

Slowly the trapped heroine reached reluctantly for her mask...

The gang of vile thugs stirred impatiently as her mask slowly slid upwards."Heh heh heh!" one of them chuckled evilly. "We've finally got Omega Woman right where we want her!" "Yeah," the guy next to him whispered. "Once we know her secret identity, she'll be at our mercy!"

"C'mon! Take off the mask, beautiful!" some in the crowd yelled. "Show us who you are!" "Yeah, we wanna see your pretty face!" "Take it off babe! All of it! heh heh heh!"

Finally, the heroine removed her mask completely and stood exposed before a room full of the city's worst villains. It took only a few seconds before one them recognized her face. "Hey! I don't believe it! Omega Woman is actually the Mayor's wife -- Wren Andrews! Man, this is sweet!"


  1. Yes! Yes! Now Ms. Andrews take off your costume...slowly

  2. Mayors wife eh?.. Time for 'The PURGE' LOL! Talk about doing what thay want and her at their mercy! Cool!

  3. Anybody know the source of these photos?

  4. They're from a very old photoshoot (I'm talking late 90s or possibly 2000) on When that site started Villain was always the villain and Wren was the only heroine because he couldn't afford real models then she was his girlfriend. For a long time, even tho she'd frequently be defeated and unmasked, she never showed her face. She was afraid it might damage her real world career. These are from the shoot where she finally let her unmasked face be shown. It was kind of a big deal for our small community of unmaskers back then. Somewhere I have a video slideshow I'll post with a bunch more pics of this.

  5. Interesting. That little backstory makes the pictures even sexier! But I can see why she was reluctant to reveal herself

  6. the mayor's wife? well, next time I'll vote for the other guy!

  7. Nice erect nipples

    1. Yeah, ummm... it must have been cold in that room. ;)

    2. Very possible. I like to think she was turned on by the fact she was revealing her face finally. It's kinda fun to imagine the models get an even bigger kick out of being exposed then us


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