October 18, 2013

Maskarada Displayed!

Ok, here we go. The very generous Mr.S. has just sent me the first photos of  Maskarada in costume for her first photo series. He has suggestively titled it "The Beautiful but Cocky Maskarada." (More info beneath the pix)

Here's a little more info from Mr.S. on this series. I've suggested that he comment himself but for now he seems content with me relaying what he says. So, Maskarada's first photoshoot is already finished. It will be posted here in "cliffhanger" episodes (You know, "Is this the end of Maskarada's career? To be continued...") as he sends them to me. I don't know how many episodes there will be. The adventure will eventually become very risque so whenever full nudity starts I'll put it behind the fold, like usual.

 Even though this series is already in the can he definitely wants comments and suggestions from everybody.

Also, just so you know, Maskarada is very OK with this and knows it is being posted online. Meanwhile, in almost all his emails Mr.S. emphasizes two things: Like any virtuous superheroine, "The woman under the mask has never allowed her breasts to be seen by anyone (Mr.S excepted of course) nor any other part of her naked body." And, "Being unmasked is her greatest fear!"


  1. Well if Mr.S is still taking suggestions how about a luchadore role play? Like Makerada is the top wrestler in the entire world and has never been defeated and Mr. S comes in as the unlikely challenger. Cocky as ever Maskerada accepts his challenge and they duke it out in a televised match. Through some unique moves and a little luck, Mr.S actually starts to win against Maskerada tearing away some of her clothing revealing a bit more with each grapple.

    With her completely stripped and on the ropes, Mr. S goes in for the kill move : removing her mask. He does so becoming the de facto champion luchadore of the world leaving Maskerada's true identity and naked body revealed to the stunned global audience!

  2. I'd say go with a Catwoman cowl (from Batman Returns) usally under $30 mask or More expensive masks or cowls for Batgirl which can range $110 to $150 or a latex hood mask. She needs a spandex suit or a full on PVC or Faux Leather or Leather or Latex Catsuit to do it to the fullest. The grander the costume...and the cockier the character...the better. That way the defeat and unmasking would be more enjoyable to watch.

  3. Yes, for future adventures If like to see Maskarada in a more covering, tight catsuit costume, like Batgirl or Catwoman. That way we can have more time to enjoy watching it being torn and damaged in battle. Later on, once she's captured, any stripping or tearing off her uniform can be more drawn out to humiliate her bit by bit. Also I think Maskarada would really good in a Batgirl type mask sometime.

    But this time out her bikini costume is fantastic, especially since it makes our heroine quite vulnerable. The luchadora mask looks sexier than I thought it would. If love to see it used again in any future adventures!

  4. Nice! She's kind of like the glamour heroine, full head mask but almost no costume. Maybe you can have Maskadora loose her super powers when she gets unmasked. Then she's just a ordinary woman and maybe take her bikini off. Then when she's naked maybe they can even have some fun with her like always happens to the glamor heroine. Don't know how far she willing to go though. Just some ideas.

  5. She needs a insignia on her chest, like a gold "M" for Maskarada. A cape would be good too.


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