September 15, 2013

Unmasked by a Gang of Thugs!

 "Ok Craddock,  I'm giving you and your gang one last chance to release me and surrender before I get serious!"

"Oooo, I'm so afraid! You can't scare us Batgirl!"

"And why is that?"

"Heh! Because it's pretty obvious that behind that mask..."

 "'re really nuthin' but a hot chick!"

"Wha -- No, not my mask! Nooo!"

"Hey wait! I know you! Yer dad used to be a con like us!"
"Boys, let me present Batgirl's real identity: Stephanie Brown!! Hah hah hah! Big Joe, pin her arms!"

"Hey Steph! You're lookin' good in that bat suit... real good!"

"Hey boss, after we're done with her, what say we tie her up real good and leave her unmasked in Gotham Square!  Then everybody will find out who she is!"

"Gasp! This can't be happening to me! No, no, let me go!"


  1. I feel like I'm in the 90's again...LOL!!!Virtual Reality.

  2. This was good! With a rack like that, they stopped at her mask? lol.


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