September 1, 2013

Lovely Luchadora Unmasked in the Ring!

Ah, Luchadoras being defeated and unmasked in the ring! What could be sexier on a Sunday?  So sexy in fact that Drifting Wolfen (I think. My email for this was lost when my old site was destroyed. Please correct me if I'm wrong) shelled out good money to make this photoshoot come true. And then he donated a copy to Unmasker's Domain so unmasking fans everywhere can enjoy it!


  1. Is there a video of this? This would be a great video to seee

  2. This was better than the last one (-: Wish they'd take JUUUUUUUUST a little further, LOL!

  3. Unmask the black bitch!

  4. Are u from singapore unmasker?

  5. (From Medium2)

    Very good. Pity the unmasker didn't get pinned down and her mask taken off too in retribution.

  6. Anon #1 - Sorry, it was done exclusively as a photo shoot l

    Anon #2 - I wish.

    Anon #3 - Yeah, she's really the one I'd prefer... Especially since with her costume you can easily pull her top down, exposing her boobs and pinning her arms so she's vulnerable to being unmasked.

    Anon #4 - Nope, I'm in the USA. Why do you ask?

    Medium - Yes, pay back is sweet!

  7. a classic from your old blog. great photo shot!


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