September 19, 2013

Batgirl Unmasks Before the Commissioner!

Batgirl unmasks for dad -- then and now!

Babs unmasks in the 1970s

Babs unmasks in December 2013


  1. That second one is one of the BEST I have ever seen! I can visualize the dialog and intensity of the whole situation! The expressions are fantastic. And this is one of the hottest looking BG's I've ever seen! Beautiful face and everything in the right place, not to ridiculous big and not to small head to toe! Where did this come from?

  2. Here:

  3. They should've had this happen in Forever Evil instead of what happened to Nightwing

  4. can't wait to see what happens!

  5. With a great unmasking on the cover I certainly hope they give us decent inside. Trying hard not to get my hopes up. So often the stories disappoint. But maybe this time...!

  6. Yeah...I can't wait to collect this on Hardback Comic form. like a year form now....LOL.


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