August 14, 2013

Batgirl: Unmasked at Gunpoint!

The Joker pulls off Batgirl's mask yet again!

Another old Poser 3-D work of art, this one courtesy of Nightwing316. (Note: I never had a girlfriend who looked like this.)


  1. I always liked this one. Seen it somewhere but forget. My only beef was Barbara's not very 'appealing'. I dunno. (-: Other than that, it's very INTENSE! Good mask talk too! DTD

  2. I wish the crook had taken her mask of while she was tired up and struggling!

  3. Imagine a continued page where she's unmasked and all in a melt down over it. Then the Joker shows her the gun. It's a TOY! It's FAKE! It didn't WORK! "CLICK" PSYCH! Imagine how she'd feel then?! LOL. DTD


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