August 8, 2013

A Citizen Takes Advantage of Spider Woman

Hit by a sniper while answering a false report of burglars on a roof, Spider Woman slumped unconsciously into the nearest living room window on the 34th floor. The woman inside saw the blood and knew who Spider Woman was. On instinct she dragged the powerless heroine into her bedroom and tried to bandage her wound.

But then, as reality set back in, a wicked thought crossed her mind: "Waitaminute, what am I doin'? This is my big break at last! There are guys who would give their eye-teeth to get their hands on this chick. She's nothing to me. Ah, this towns full of super guys to protect us. One less isn't gonna hurt anything -- except her. Heh heh."

"The thing supervillians always want is the heroine's secret identity. Where's my camera? Ok then... Now then Spider Babe, let's just see who's hidin' behind that mask, shall we?"

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Spider Woman was at the wrong place at the wrong time!!


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